About Ignite Your Spirit Energy Healing
"After two sessions with Colleen I am filled with gratitude to have received such a profound experience of the purest healing. Everything else fell away as I felt the essence of love permeate my being. Colleen is supporting my journey with her authentic, personally tailored goals to enable me to be the best version of my Self. I feel so blessed."
PM 14.1.24
"Ignite your spirit therapy and meditation gave me a sense empowerment at a time in my life when there seemed to be so much out of my control. It taught me that most of what I need to face life's obstacles is already within me, I just need to go within and trust in my own power. I have found more peace, self calm and joy."
My experience of Maya Bhadni’s “healing” Ignite Your Spirit therapy has been both subtle and profound. During healing sessions over the last three years, my essence, my soul, my spirit have been held and nurtured. The sessions for me are like being cocooned in love, a melting and being at peace. From a place of sadness and anxieties I have transitioned into a happier state. The sense of safety I experience being in her presence permeates my being and I am less anxious about living. I am more in touch with my intuition and there is a noticeable synchronicity in my daily living. When I return to the “real” world from a healing session, a gentle sense of expansion stays and manifests, in a more spiritual way of being and transforms my thinking patterns and perspectives. At times of course I slip into “old” entrenched habits but each time I have a healing I feel as though my consciousness continues to evolve. I am now aware of a sense of appreciation and of being in the present. I have the highest regard and gratitude for Maya Bhadni’s gift for healing and her Ignite Your Spirit Therapy.
Maya Bhadni (Colleen Langan) is an amazing healer both as a meditation leader and Ignite Your Spirit Therapy consultant. Maya Bhadni’s approach is gentle and intuitive to the needs of her clients. This makes her healing therapeutic and awakens hunger for a journey of spiritual development. The methods taught by Maya Bhadni can be applied by anyone and are easily accessible.
Maya Bhadni is deeply committed to her own personal path of expansion. Such a willingness to cultivate her own light within shines through her work as a facilitator in that she holds space for individuals and groups to realise their truth. Maya Bhadni is truly a blessing and I highly recommend her to anyone seeking access to spirit and methods of profound mediation.
Physical Healing
Maya Bhadni’s healing has lasted for ages. I’m amazed it has lasted all this time!! I’ve not used an asthma spray since I was at your place (before the healing). It’s amazing! Any time that I felt it coming on I would just recite some of the affirmations I could remember and the power of the energy still flowed!

I want to say thank you for your deep and loving meditations on Monday nights.
We have both really appreciated your holding us through each
hour of meditation and for the powerful spiritual energy work that we
experience, each in our different ways. We are both finding this process
very relaxing and it seems to release much accumulated stress and serve
as a preparation for a more peaceful week. We both find the beautiful
chants and songs add to the experience of moving beyond this time and
the personal to share sacred space while feeling safe and grounded. I
have found the imagery you offer very powerful and I often meditate on
these during the following week. The beautiful swan from Monday has
floated towards me in the river several times, reminding me, as you
suggested, to accept my resistance to commitment. In a couple of areas
this has somehow eased away that resistant energy.
I did want you to know how much we both value the sessions you offer and
honour your deep work.
HM May 2020
The meditation that Maya offers is a rich mix of relaxation and release techniques, visualisations and music which, if you open to it, can leave you feeling lighter, calmer more open to shifting what is not working in your life. Initially I had some resistance but over time as I’ve experienced it, the practice opens to greater positivity and effectiveness. While mindfulness is a great practice its more than this! With the music and visualisations, the ecstatic is invited in. Maya also targets specific areas of concern which can be requested, so the focus shifts weekly. This can be as practical as time management or as feeling centered as forgiveness. After a session focused on time management, creative projects I was working on with unpredictable elements and deadline pressures involving other people, unfolded with perfect timing. There is a gentle subtle power in Mayas voice and a keen knowing in her way of targeting a concern, but best to experience it for yourself!
Maya Bhadni gives inspiration to me. She encourages me to be true to my path of discovery into the light. Maya Bhadni has a true gift in guiding meditation. With her strong sure and pure intuition, she knows what is needed to be cleared, seen, felt and heard by divine intervention. She helps me find my soul centre and reach and feel my higher self to see the light and glimpse what I perceive to be the divine realms. ... Higher consciousness... an amazing feeling. My heart is full of gratitude for being blessed and being guided to be with her, who has this spiritual gift. Much love
I have been attending Maya Bhadni's meditation sessions for some years now. I find her meditations as powerful as they are easy to follow. Her gentle, guiding voice calmly leads you through a series of meditations that help deal with the day-to-day stresses of life. I have felt the benefits from the very first meditation and would recommend her sessions to anyone, particularly those who are interested but feel meditation may be inaccessible and difficult. Come along, see how easy it is and feel the benefits.
I have been going to Meditation for some time now, and have found great support and insight in my every day life. It has helped me greatly, and I have grown so much, and continue to do so as I enjoy Meditation with my Teacher very very much. It has helped me tremendously. It can help you too, so why not try it?

Meditation & Seminars
I have been attending Colleen’s (Maya Bhadni) wonderful Monday evening Meditation class for just over a year now. Though Shanti Mission style of meditation, I have become very much more calm, happy and patient in many areas of my life as well as incredibly energised! I have completed a number of seminars in the Path of Ease and Grace that Maya Bhadni conducted along with another wonderful person Devaki. These included, Empowering Relationships 1 and 2 and Ignite your Spirit energy healing 1 (soon to be 2). These were fantastic!!
Thanks to Maya Bhadni, my goal now is to finalise the Path of Ease and Grace Seminars and then move into a healing practice along with teaching Meditation. The more I learn the much more exciting it is!
I give thanks to Maya Bhadni for her incredible assistance with assisting me with my life’s direction! If you are feeling lost, sad, lonely or not overly happy with where you are in your life, I would recommend coming along on a Monday evening to see how Maya Bhadni’s Meditation class can assist you in all areas of your life. Believe me, it is really well worth it!
FK 17.1.17