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Sacred Circle Ceremony

Each Solstice and Equinox

The Sacred Circle is about Divine Feminine energy or Goddess energy. It is the energy of creation in motion. Spiritual Ecology is a term used for working for the environment drawing from science, spirituality and religion. Many people are working together from many walks of life to help the environment. This Sacred Circle is what I have been guided to do for mother nature. It could be considered Spiritual Ecology. Ceremony is a way of connecting deeply with ourself and unifying with others in a common purpose that takes on greater value and deepens the significance of our intention. When our hearts cry out about the effects of climate change upon the planet and the people, and we feel so small to make any difference, this ceremony or light work is something beautiful that we can do together. Together it is stronger. Together is the way significant change can happen to heal the relationship between people and the planet.

History of the Sacred Circle

In 2013 on a Mother Earth retreat with Parvati Sundari, I received guidance in meditation that I needed to co-create this garden/circle. It was absolutely clear where it was to be on our property, which is within five very old Turpentine trees which stand like guardians. I call these The Grandmothers.  This has always been a special place on our property that I have loved and respected. 


Then the bushfire moved through our property in January 2020 burning all the forest. I was anxious about the health of the Grandmother Trees. It was a great relief when I saw that these trees had survived and started to push out epicormic regrowth. They are strong and resilient and their regrowth abundant. It was also after the bushfire that the message came through loud and clear. DO IT NOW that is, prepare the Sacred Circle now.

Min Mia, Wiradjuri elder and holder of women's lore guided the placement of the stones and gave me the song Nungeena Tya to sing up Mother Earth. When the Sacred Circle was ready, the inaugural circle was celebrated on the Winter Solstice 2022.

Sacred Circle within the Turpentine Forest

Thich Nhat Hanh says You carry Mother Earth within you. She is not outside of you. Mother Earth is not just your environment. In that insight of inter-being, it is possible to have real communication with the Earth, which is the highest form of prayer.

The elders say that ceremony is the way we can remember to remember. 
Braiding Sweetgrass, Robin Wall Kimmerer

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